Modules Archives

Jul 19, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Lecture Capture

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Lecture Capture Options: Uses for lecture capture lessons Making Effective Content Learn More Literature Base References & Resources About the Author Dan Guberman...

Jul 16, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Inviting Students to the Table: Negotiating Power in Course Design

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Description of My Practice Power Relations Interests Ethical Commitments Negotiation What Are Your Next Steps? Learn More References & Resources About the Author...

Jul 15, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Inquiry-based Learning: Using Presentation Homework Problems to Enhance Engagement

Contents Introduction UDL Alignment Instructional Practice The Problem Process Not Product Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses Reducing Stress Increasing Student Involvement Broad Application Learn More Literature Base References & Resources Additional...

Jul 14, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Game-based Learning: Using games to Increase Representation, Expression, and Engagement

Contents Introduction UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Getting Started How to get started with game-based learning Examples of Classroom Games Summary Learn More Literature Base References & Resources Additional Resources About...

Jul 09, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

A Practical Example of a Flipped Lesson in a Beginning German Classroom: Reaching Students in Alternate Ways

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice A Hypothetical Lesson on German Word Order in the Standard Classroom How Could You Flip This Same Lesson? Some of the Many Benefits...

Jul 08, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Flipped Classroom – Student Perspective

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Background Survey Data Video Analytics Personal Experiences Learn More References & Resources About the Author Jessica Mundy Introduction This case study will provide...

Jul 08, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Making Videos Without Turning Gray and Other Lessons From Flipping: Flipping Support Materials

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Video Use in the Curriculum Tips for Making Engaging Videos Resources for Making Your Own Videos What We Have Learned From Our Students...

Jul 08, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Flipping so as not to Flop: The Blended Classroom

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice The course The tools First blend Second blend Concluding Remarks Learn More Additional readings and websites References & Resources About the Author Deborah...

Jun 28, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

FLIPPED CLASSROOM: Course Design to Increase Representation, Expression, and Engagement

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice The Difference between a Flipped Classroom and a Traditional Classroom Implementing a Flipped Classroom Designing Your Own Flipped Classroom Overcoming Barriers to Success...

Jun 25, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Enhance Learning with Alternatives for Audio

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Instruction What is Practice? Implementing Closed Captioning on YouTube Implementing Closed Captioning Using Amara Return to Dr. Jeeves: From...