Modules Archives

Sep 09, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Service Learning Success

Contents Introduction UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Basic Overview Key Benefits Limitations Getting Started Community Connections Course Structure Assessment and Demonstration Evaluating Service-Learning in the Classroom Troubleshooting Summary Learn More Learn...

Sep 09, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Self-Publication Takes the “Student” out of “Student Writers”

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Generating Content Compilation and Editing Publication and Marketing In Retrospect Learn More References & Resources About the Author Randy Laist Introduction This case...

Sep 09, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Research on Fire! Fire Tablets Increase Student Pride and Confidence in Research

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Learn More Links to Tablets for Purchase References & Resources About the Author Amber DeBono Introduction In this case study, readers will learn...

Aug 26, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Read & Write: Software to Increase Representation, Expression, and Engagement for Diverse Learners

Contents Introduction UDL Alignment Instructional Practice What is Read and Write? Who should use Read & Write? Benefits of Read & Write Getting Started Tool and Features Teacher's Toolkit Learn...

Aug 26, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Promoting Student Engagement: Utilizing Student Exploration as a Means of Information Synthesis

Contents Introduction UDL Alignment Instructional Practice From Concrete Demonstration to Abstraction Summary Learn More Literature Base References & Resources Additional Resources About the Author Jeff Goodman Introduction At Appalachian State...

Aug 26, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Partnering Formal and Informal Writing: Scaffolding Daily Assignments to Support Student Writers

Contents Introduction Scaffolding instruction and UDL Instructional Practice Guiding Principles for Daily Writing Linking Daily Writing and Formal Papers: My Process Examples of Daily Writing Prompts Lessons Learned Recap and...

Aug 25, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Padagogy Wheel: Integrating iPads into instruction using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Increase Representation, Expression, and Engagement

Contents Introduction UDL Alignment Instructional Practice What is the Padagogy Wheel? Getting started with iPads iPads for Instruction Using the Padagogy Wheel Choosing Apps Learn More Literature Base References &...

Aug 25, 2021
  • Kevin Syers

Optimizing Engagement and Self-Directed Learning with Mindfulness

Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Mindfulness Practices: Engaging Observation and Inner Attention Readings: Engaging the Cognitive Reflective Dialog: Engaging Socially Insight Journals: Engaging Self Meditation: Engaging Strategies for...

Aug 23, 2021
  • Kevin Syers


Contents Introduction UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Mnemonic Devices for Instruction Organizational Mnemonics Encoding Mnemonics Learn More Literature Base References & Resources Introduction Mnemonic strategies are commonly used across content areas...

Jul 28, 2021
  • Kevin Syers


Contents Introduction Objectives UDL Alignment Instructional Practice Forms of Creative Expression for Students FORMS OF CREATIVE EXPRESSION Learn More Literature Base Additional Resources References & Resources About the Author Martha...