University Teaching Awards

Please consult the Faculty Senate Academic Awards Committee website for the full official guidelines for each award.

  • The Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching
    • One award given. Nomination due via Qualtrics by September 15. Formal Nomination Letter due to the nominee by October 15. Portfolio from nominee due November 1.
  • The Board of Governors Distinguished Professor for Teaching Awards
    • Six awards given.  Nominations due via Qualtrics by September 15. Formal Nomination Letter due by to the nominee by October 15. Portfolios from nominees due by November 1.
  • Max Ray Joyner Award for Outstanding Teaching in Distance Education
    • One award given.  Nominations due via Qualtrics by September 15. One award given. Nomination due via Qualtrics by September 15. Formal Nomination Letter due to the nominee by October 15. Portfolio from nominee due November 1.
  • ECU Alumni Association Outstanding Teaching Awards and Robert L. Jones Teaching Award
    • Three awards given.. Nominations due via Qualtrics by September 15. Formal Nomination Letter due to the nominee by October 15. Portfolio from nominee due November 1.
  • University Service-Learning Teaching Excellence Award
      • One award given.  Nominations due via Qualtrics by September 15. Formal Nomination Letter due to the nominee by October 15by September 15. Portfolio from nominee due November 1.


Key Dates

  • September 15: Award nominations due (see guidelines specific to each award).
  • October 1:  Nominees contacted by OFE with instructions for portfolio.  Nominators are encouraged to tell nominees prior to this date and point them to the appropriate award guidelines (found on the Faculty Senate Academic Awards Committee website).
  • November 1:  Letter of nomination due to by the nominator (unless a different date is specified on award guidelines).
  • March – April: Award Ceremonies


Information Sessions

There will be three information sessions for nominators and nominees. Each session will be recorded and posted here if you aren’t able to make it to one of the sessions.


For Nominators

  • Please review the guidelines for each award prior to submitting a nomination and contact Sarah Williams (328-1101) or Rachel Baker (328-6537) with questions. Guidelines for each award can be found below and on the Faculty Senate Academic Awards Committee website.
  • The information requested on the nomination survey is listed below. The survey is due by 5:00 pm September 15.
  • Nominating early (and informing nominees of the nomination) is strongly encouraged.
  • A formal letter of nomination is due November 1. It is the nominator’s responsibility to gather and submit the letter of nomination (not the nominee’s).
  • Please tell the nominees that you have submitted (or will be submitting) their name as a candidate for an award as soon as possible and point them to the appropriate guidelines for creating a portfolio.
  • Some awards designate who may nominate a candidate. Please ensure the nomination comes from the correct person in your college.
  • Some awards limit the number of faculty from each college who can be nominated. Please ensure your nomination is within those guidelines.
  • Please ensure the person you plan to nominate aligns with the guidelines for the award. For example, some awards are only available to tenured faculty.
  • While faculty may be recommended for more than one university teaching award, nominated faculty may only accept the nomination and submit a portfolio for one university teaching award in a given year. This excludes Five-Year and Lifetime Achievement, Scholarship of Engagement, and Scholar-Teacher awards.

Information Requested on the Qualtrics Nomination Form

  • Nominator Information: name, email address, phone number, position
  • Nominee Information: name, faculty rank, email address, faculty status and years at ECU, award category, college, academic coded unit

(Note: The “rationale” section formerly in the survey has been removed.)

Resources for Submitting Your Award Portfolio