Academic Appointments and Advancement Series

The ECU Office for Faculty Excellence and the ECU Faculty Senate are excited to offer the following workshops for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Most sessions will be recorded and posted to this site; if you have any questions or concerns regarding this series, please contact the ECU Office for Faculty Excellence at or (252) 328-1426.

Date/TimeSession TitleDescriptionLinks
August 29, 2024

Faculty180 Tenure & Promotion Candidate Training
This session is offered to tenure track candidates submitting PADs for tenure and/or promotion in September 2024. In this training the following topics will be covered: How to upload documents to the PAD, how to submit PAD sections, how your unit administrator can assist in the PAD development process, and other helpful tricks.

Unit Administrators - feel free to join us

Facilitator: Cara Gohn
Meeting Recording
October 2, 2024
Updates from the ECU Chair of the Faculty
The Chair of the Faculty will provide an overview of forthcoming updates to the Faculty Manual based on revisions to the UNC Code and policies. Meeting Recording

Link to Presentation
October 9, 2024
Faculty180 – Tenure Track Reappointment Training for Candidates & their Unit Administrator
This session will cover how candidates will complete and submit the PAD for Reappointment within Faculty180. In this session chairs will also learn how to assist faculty in the process of submitting and how to move the PAD to the unit tenure committee. Meeting Recording
October 15, 2024
Learn how to maximize your faculty profile in Scholars@ECU. Scholars@ECU is the ECU’s public facing faculty profile platform. The data populated in Scholars@ECU is generated from the Faculty180 profile and professional activity information. This session will cover a tutorial of how to enable a fully enhanced profile, add a headshot and biography, and provide information on how to create a unique profile from the data you’ve already populated in Faculty180. Facilitated by Cara Gohn Meeting Recording
October 16, 2024
12:00 – 2:00
In-Person & Virtual Options

In Person: MCSC 253
Promotion & Tenure Workshop
During this workshop, participants will hear an overview of campus policies and procedures related to promotion and tenure as well as tips and updates for developing a Personnel Action Dossier (PAD). Individuals from various colleges will be on hand during breakout sessions to share advice and answer questions about PAD construction and about navigating the reappointment, promotion, and tenure process.

Main Session Facilitator: Anne Ticknor
Meeting Recording
October 28, 2024
Finding Your Way Through Fixed-Term Faculty Subsequent Appointment and Advancement in Title
This session will provide an opportunity to hear tips and advice from faculty with fixed-term contracts who have successfully navigated the process for subsequent appointment and advancement in title. We will start with an explanation of fixed-term advancement levels. Next there will be a discussion of subsequent appointment portfolio design, organization, and content. We will end with tips and advice for developing the skills and experience valued in fixed-term advancement pathways.

Facilitators: Brittany Thompson & Puri’ Martinez
Register Here

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November 12, 2024
Putting your Best Foot Forward: Self-Advocacy in Your PAD
The PAD is meant to represent your academic career for people who are assessing your record for promotion and tenure. But one size does not necessarily fit all. This workshop is designed to provide guidance for how to best package your accomplishments in the PAD, helping you advocate for yourself throughout the tenure and promotion process.

Facilitated by Kristen Myers
Register Here

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November 22, 2024
The Path Toward Full Professor: Is there a Roadmap to this destination?
Are you thinking of pursuing full professorship? Do you have a plan? This session will include ways to construct a plan of action from associate to full including conversations about possibilities and common barriers toward promotion. This session will not be recorded.

Facilitator: Angela Lamson
Register Here

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December 5, 2024
9:00 – 10:00
Being Strategic about Saying “Yes” and “No”
In our varied roles as educators, researchers, administrators, and leaders, we often are at crossroads when opportunities arise. Often the natural instinct is to say “yes”, but is that “yes’ to others, a “no” for self? Does that mean less time to do the things that makes you happy, spend time on self-care? During this session, join Nancy Dias for some tips on when it’s a good idea to say “yes” to emerging opportunities and, when needed, how to say “no” without feeling guilty.

Facilitator: Nancy Dias (College of Nursing)
Register Here

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February 19, 2024
Tenure & Promotion and PAD Preparation for Clinical Faculty
During this session, a panel of ECU faculty will share experiences and ideas relative to preparing a PAD and navigating the advancement and/or tenure process, geared toward faculty who carry clinical responsibilities. Included will be ideas and suggestions about effectively showcasing the unique aspects of faculty roles that come with clinical responsibilities.Register Here

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April 15, 2024
Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure Webinar
During this webinar, participants will hear an overview of campus policies and procedures related to promotion and tenure as well as tips and updates for developing a Personnel Action Dossier (PAD).

Facilitator: Anne Ticknor
Register Here

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Link to archived Academic Appointment Series Workshops