Statistics and Research Workshop Series

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View Recordings of Previous Sessions

Date/TimeSession TitleDescriptionLinks
August 28, 2024
9:00am - 3:00pm
Meet and greet
This session aims at providing an open forum for discussions, questions, and invaluable feedback regarding our research/statistics services including workshops, consultations, etc. It is a good opportunity for faculty and graduate students to meet with our research & statistics consultant and connect and exchange ideas with other people.
September 4, 2024
SPSS intro
This workshop serves as a basic introduction to using SPSS. We will explore the SPSS interface, file types, variable coding and recoding, case selection and sorting and basic descriptive statistics. Register Here

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September 11, 2024
Inferential statistics
This workshop will focus on the relationship between sample and population, normal distribution, hypothesis testing, types of errors, power, and effect size. Register Here

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September 19, 2024
R intro
R is a free and open-source software package for computing and statistical analysis. It has tons of packages dealing with advanced and complex analysis specifically for different fields. Due to its flexibility in coding, R is now one of the most popular programs among statisticians and other researchers. This workshop will cover the basics of R package and programming as well as data description and statistical analysis including correlation, regression, t-test, ANOVA, and two-way tables with Chi-square test. Register Here

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September 25, 2024
Multiple linear regression
This workshop serves as a basic introduction to multiple regression. We will cover the underlying statistical assumptions, what happens when they are violated and ways to address those violations, interpreting regression coefficients, and model fit. We’ll do a demonstration through SPSS. Register Here

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October 3, 2024
Multilevel modeling for clustered data
This workshop will give you an introduction of multilevel modeling. The workshop focuses more on the concept and two-level models. However, examples of analyzing cross-sectional data using SPSS and R will be presented. Register Here

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October 10, 2024
Multilevel modeling for longitudinal data
This workshop is a continuation of the previous Multilevel Modeling of Clustered Data. Examples of analyzing longitudinal data using SPSS and R will be presented. Register Here

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October 17, 2024
Excel in data management
This workshop will focus on how to use Excel to do data analysis and create graphs: 1. data layout in Excel; 2. prepare data for data analysis; 3. merge excel files and work sheets; 4. combine texts from different columns; 5. create Excel tables including regular table and pivot table; 6. analyze data (get descriptive statistics results) using table functions; 7. create graphs to summarize data. Register Here

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October 24, 2024
Bootstrapping in data analysis using SPSS and R
Bootstrapping is a resampling technique. It is particularly useful when the traditional assumptions required for classical statistical methods are not met or when the sample size is small. This workshop will address the concept of bootstrapping in statistics and how to use SPSS and R to perform bootstrapping. Register Here

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October 30, 2024
Discriminant analysis using SPSS and R
Discriminant Analysis aims to determine group membership based on a collection of metric predictors that are independent variables. The primary function of this technique is to assign each observation to a particular group or category according to the data’s independent characteristics. Implementation of discriminant analysis will be illustrated using SPSS and R. Register Here

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November 7, 2024
NVivo is a qualitative data analysis package. It is designed to assist researchers in managing and analyzing unstructured data such as text, audio, video, images, and social media data. The workshop will focus on the basics of NVivo 14 including an introduction to the NVivo14 interface; importing documents, video, dataset, and pictures into NVivo; creating nodes and identifying relationships between nodes; coding; and conducting queries (e.g., word frequency and text search). Register Here

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November 13, 2024
Mixed research design
This workshop will introduce the definition of mixed methods and six major mixed methods designs. We will focus on definition of each design, key points and procedure of conducting a mixed methods study, and variants of each design. Register Here

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 Note: Research/statistics consulting is available at regular hours (8am-5pm, M-F). All workshops and consultations are open to graduate students as well.