Statement About Accommodations for Students with a Disability
The following statement is required in all ECU Syllabi:
East Carolina University seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. To take advantage of available accommodations, students must be registered with the Department for Disability Support Services located in Mendenhall 109, 252-737-1016. Additional DSS student resources can be found at:
- Consider incorporating additional statements to show understanding of the student’s conditions:
(Sigafoos, 2019)
- The ECU Department for Disability Support Services website contains useful resources relative to providing accommodations for students with disabilities.
Sigafoos, L. (2019). Individual Differences Syllabus. University of Texas at Austin – Access Syllabi and CVs. file:///Users/meredithknox/Downloads/ALD%20322_SIgafoos.pdf