Upcoming Sessions
To learn more about the session and/or register for any of these sessions, please click on the title of the session you’d like to attend. If you have any issues finding or registering for sessions, please contact the Office for Faculty Excellence:
- Email – ofe@ecu.edu
- Phone – (252) 328-1426
Mar10Navigating the Role of ECU CONNECT in Concerns about Student Progress: Identifying and Addressing Key Issues with Confidenceto
Mar17Quick Content Boost: Using Canvas’s Rich Content Editorto
Mar17Rethinking Assignments During Midtermsto
Mar18Enhancing Learning for All: Polish Your PDFs and Ditch the Scansto
Mar18Faculty180: Annual Evaluation Training for Faculty
Mar18Microsoft Teams and OneDriveto
Mar18Systematic Reviews: Data Extraction & Quality Assessmentto
Mar19Gamification Tips: Create Engagement with Poll Everywhereto
Mar19Critical Friends: Peer Review Workshop for Grant Writers from the Health Sciencesto
Mar20View from the Inside: Lessons from NIH Grant ReviewersBelk Annexto
Mar20Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)to
Mar20Return of the LTIS: New Features in Canvas and OneDriveto
Mar21Creating Weighted Totals in Canvas for Showing Transparent Progressto
Mar24Quick Content Boost: Using Canvas’s Rich Content Editorto
Mar24Rethinking Assignments During Midtermsto
Mar24Create your own high-quality video presentationsto
Mar25HOiST: QPR for Faculty and Staffto
Mar25Create your own high-quality video presentationsto
Mar25Introduction to Quality Matters (QM)to
Mar25Understanding Ethics and Policies of Using AI for Researchto
Mar26Gamification Tips: Create Engagement with Poll Everywhereto
Mar272025 Technology Tailgateto
Mar27Enhancing Learning for All: Mastering Alt Textto
Mar27Moderation and Mediation Analysisto
Mar31Quick Content Boost: Using Canvas’s Rich Content Editorto
Mar31Rethinking Assignments During Midtermsto
Apr1Streamline Your Workflow: Master Course Copying in Canvasto
Apr2Getting Started on Research: How to plan a meaningful and realistic thesis/dissertation studyto
Apr3Quality Matters Workshop: Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)to
Apr3HOiST: Addressing Anxiety and Building Emotional Regulation in the Classroom and Officeto
Apr3Using TurnItIn as a Teaching Tool: A Writing Across the Curriculum Workshopto
Apr7Streamline Your Workflow: Master Course Copying in Canvasto
Apr7Leveraging Surveys for Grant Success: Best Practices and Key Considerationsto
Apr7Data-Driven Success: Tailoring ECU CONNECT Insights for Impact from Classroom to Campus Leadershipto
Apr8Finding Funding Opportunities using Grant Databasesto
Apr9You've Written Your Article, Now What?: An Introduction to Scholarly Publishing for Grad Students and Early Career Facultyto
Apr9Critical Language Awareness Tools & Strategies for Writing Across the Curriculumto
Apr10Structural Equation Modelingto
Apr14Streamline Your Workflow: Master Course Copying in Canvasto
Apr15Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure Webinarto
Apr21Streamline Your Workflow: Master Course Copying in Canvasto
Apr22Top Practices for Course Management and Designto
Apr23Creating Weighted Totals in Canvas for Showing Transparent Progressto
Apr23AMOS Introto
Apr28Streamline Your Workflow: Master Course Copying in Canvasto
May9Faculty180: Annual Evaluation Training for Chairs and Evaluatorsto