Quality Matters @ ECU

ECU Main Campus Student Center

Quality Matters LogoQuality Matters @ ECU

What is Quality Matters?

Quality Matters (QM) is a research-supported program designed to encourage quality in online and other digital teaching and learning environments. Through a rigorous rubric-based review process, the design of an online course is evaluated on a set of eight General Standards and 42 Specific Review Standards. The alignment of the eight General Standards is evaluated as well, to ensure students can meet the learning outcomes for the course. There are currently more than 60,000 members of the Quality Matters organization worldwide.

You can learn more about the Quality Matters program and resources at the Quality Matters website.

Quality Matters Certified Courses at ECU

Since 2020, ECU Faculty have worked to earn certification for more than 70 courses across a wide range of subject matters and course levels. We encourage you to view the full list of QM Certified Courses at ECU to see if faculty in your school or college have earned certification for their courses.

QM Resources for ECU Faculty

The University of North Carolina System maintains a system-wide subscription for Quality Matters professional development and course review/certification. Faculty at all constituent institutions have access to all of the resources and professional development, including course review and certification. ECU is developing a network of trained faculty, course reviewers and trainers. More information on additional QM opportunities is forthcoming, but we encourage you to participate in professional development and join us as we grow our QM capacity at ECU!

Upcoming Quality Matters Professional Development Opportunities

The following workshops are available to ECU Faculty at no cost to you or your department. If you are interested in registering for a workshop or if you have questions about Quality Matters, please contact either of the QM Coordinators for ECU, Andrew Horne or Justin Littlefield. You can also contact the ECU Office for Faculty Excellence for other professional development opportunities.

Date/TimeSession TitleDescriptionLinks/Notes
January 22, 2025

11:00 - 11:30

Introduction to Quality Matters (QM)

Have you heard about Quality Matters (QM)? QM aims to enhance online learning experiences by providing a system for quality assurance, including research-based standards, peer review, and professional development for educators and institutions. Join us in this information session as the Learning Technologies Team explains what QM is and how it can enhance your online and hybrid courses!Meeting Recording
January 23, 2025

11:00 - 11:30

Introduction to Quality Matters (QM)

Have you heard about Quality Matters (QM)? QM aims to enhance online learning experiences by providing a system for quality assurance, including research-based standards, peer review, and professional development for educators and institutions. Join us in this information session as the Learning Technologies Team explains what QM is and how it can enhance your online and hybrid courses!Meeting Recording
February 7, 14, 21, 28,

1:00 - 3:00

Must attend all four sessions to receive credit.

Designing Your Online Course

New to teaching online or just want to develop your online course?

Bring your online course to this workshop and get a framework for developing an online course plan. You'll use a framework and explore the QM Rubric to design one module for your online course.

This series will allow you to design an online course and leave with a QM badge. You must attend all four sessions to receive credit.

Pre-registration is required by January 31.
February 10 - February 24, 2025

Applying the Quality Matters Rubric

Online Asynchronous Course

Want to fully immerse your course into QM standards?

Learn the underlying principles behind the QM Rubric and the critical elements of the QM quality assurance process. Learn about drafting helpful recommendations as you apply the Rubric to an actual course.

Pre-registration is required by February 7.
February 26, 2025

2:00 - 2:30

Introduction to Quality Matters (QM)

Have you heard about Quality Matters (QM)? QM aims to enhance online learning experiences by providing a system for quality assurance, including research-based standards, peer review, and professional development for educators and institutions. Join us in this information session as the Learning Technologies Team explains what QM is and how it can enhance your online and hybrid courses!Meeting Recording
March 5, 19, 26, April 2

1:00 - 3:00

Must attend all four sessions to receive credit.

Improving Your Online Course

Interested in improving your online course?

The “Improving Your Online Course” workshop explores the QM Rubric and provides a framework to improve the quality of online courses. Participants use the QM Rubric to review their own online courses and develop a course improvement plan.

This series will allow you to design an online course and leave with a QM badge. You must attend all four sessions to receive credit.

Pre-registration is required by March 2.
Register Here
March 25, 2025

2:00 - 2:30

Introduction to Quality Matters (QM)

Have you heard about Quality Matters (QM)? QM aims to enhance online learning experiences by providing a system for quality assurance, including research-based standards, peer review, and professional development for educators and institutions. Join us in this information session as the Learning Technologies Team explains what QM is and how it can enhance your online and hybrid courses!Register Here

Join Here
April 3, 10, 17, 24

10:00 - 12:00

Must attend all four sessions to receive credit.

Applying the Quality Matters Rubric

Want to fully immerse your course into QM standards?

Learn the underlying principles behind the QM Rubric and the critical elements of the QM quality assurance process. Learn about drafting helpful recommendations as you apply the Rubric to an actual course.

Pre-registration is required by March 31.
Register Here