Teaching Resources
This webpage provides resources to support UNC System institutions in developing training related to the Teaching Effectiveness Policy 400.3.1. It provides resources in three main categories: Peer Assessment, Student Feedback, and Self-Assessment. These resources were curated by UNC System faculty and are maintained by the UNC System. For questions, please contact: learning.tech@northcarolina.edu
Teaching and Research in the Age of Artificial Intillegence (AI)
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have become more widely accessible and they continue to evolve rapidly. Check out this page for some of the resources and conversations on campus around teaching and research in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- Pirate Picks: This page features some of the go-to resources and favorites of the OFE team and faculty at ECU
- Teaching Large Hybrid Classes: This page contains some resources and ideas for faculty designing classes for large enrollment
- Teaching Leadership Skills: This page contains faculty ideas about teaching leadership skills in the classroom.
Self-Paced Guide to Course Development
The ECU Teaching Tool Kit contains a series of modules that walk you through designing and building a high-quality online course.
“Universal Design for Learning is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn.” (CAST). It is a framework that can be used to design educational settings – regardless of the discipline or course format.
Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement
A teaching statement (or teaching philosophy) is a reflection of your beliefs, values, and goals regarding teaching. It can provide concrete examples of how you achieve these goals or endorse your beliefs in the classroom, and can provide useful context for items like your Personnel Action Dossier or a Teaching Award application portfolio.
Peer Classroom Observation is described in the Faculty Manual and Faculty Senate Resolutions as the approved process for direct observation of teaching at ECU. Observation of teaching is required for all tenure-track faculty and recommended for all faculty.
ECU Distance Education Teaching Guidelines
This page contains some resources for faculty related to teaching online.
The course syllabus is one of the most important documents an instructor will create for their students. On this page, you’ll find information on the elements that ECU requires faculty to include on their syllabi, as well as some recommendations and examples that might spark some ideas!
Quality Matters (QM) is a globally-recognized leader in improving online course design. Learn more about the ongoing QM efforts at ECU and sign up for upcoming workshops for faculty!
The Provost’s Office and the Health Science Division annually fund teaching grants to support innovation and excellence in teaching. Call for Proposals for teaching grants are announced every year in September with a November deadline. Awards are made for summer stipends or teaching project expenses. Proposals must be innovative and must demonstrate impact. ECU tenure-track, tenured, and 12-month fixed-term faculty members are eligible to apply. For more information contact: tgc@ecu.edu or see: https://facultysenate.ecu.edu/teaching-grants-committee/
Edited by respected scholar and expert Dr. Maryellen Weimer of Penn State Berks, The Teaching Professor is a forum for discussion of the best strategies supported by the latest research for effective teaching in the college classroom.
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