Approved Modified Peer Observations
Approved Modified Policies and Instruments by Academic Unit
Academic units have the option of selecting instruments and procedures other than those provided by the Faculty Senate to conduct peer review, once approved by the appropriate vice chancellor.
Only academic units of departments that have APPROVED ALTERNATIVE DOCUMENTS are listed below with links to PDF files of their instruments and/or policies.
If an academic unit is NOT listed here, it uses the Faculty Senate Peer Review Instruments linked on the Faculty Senate website.
Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
Economics | English | Foreign Languages and Literatures (ARCHIVED) | Geography| Geological Sciences | History | Mathematics | Political Science | Psychology | Sociology
College of Business
For face to face courses, the COB has the COB Face to Face Peer Review Form used by all departments, as well as the COB DE Peer Review Form for Distance Education courses.
College of Education
BITE | Counselor and Adult Education (ARCHIVED) | Educational Leadership | Mathematics & Science Education
College of Fine Arts and Communication
School of Art and Design (under review) | School of Communication | School of Music | School of Theatre and Dance
College of Health and Human Performance
Child Development and Family Relations
College of Engineering and Technology
Computer Science | Construction Management | Technology Systems
College of Allied Health
Communication Science and Disorders (ARCHIVED) | Health Services Information Management
Brody School of Medicine
Approved Documents Same for All Departments
Word version, Evaluation Form for Large Group Presentations
Word version, Evaluation Form for Small Group Presentations
College of Nursing
Uses the Faculty Senate Instruments but has CON Approved Modified Procedures used by all departments
CON Approved Modified Procedures ARCHIVED