PAD Resources for Tenured and Probationary Term (Tenure-Track) Faculty

Picture of an ECU Personnel Action DossierBelow, you will find resources that can help you develop your Personnel Action Dossier (PAD). Directions for the PAD are found in Part X of the Faculty Manual. Faculty members should consult their unit heads and their personnel committee chairs for guidance. Unit Codes (available on the Faculty Senate Website) should also be consulted carefully.

    Supporting MaterialsTab D – Supporting Evidence

    Tab D of your Personnel Action Dossier (PAD) is where you provide evidence for the following areas: teaching, research and/or creative activity, clinical work, and service.

    Except for mandatory documentation in the Teaching Section, there are no hard and fast requirements for the evidence you must provide for each section. Below, you’ll find some suggestions, examples, and resources you may find helpful as you gather materials for use in Tab D.

    Examples of Supporting Materials 

    SectionExample of Evidence
    Mandatory Evidence

    • SSOI Reports in Full

    • Full Reports of Peer Observation Instruments

    College STAR Nomination
    Course Descriptions
    Course Proposal
    Course Redesign
    Course Reflections
    Exam Creation
    Positive Student Outcomes
    Student Evaluation Summary
    Student Success
    Student Trips
    Teaching Activity Listing
    Teaching Goals
    Teaching Improvement Activities
    Teaching Methodologies and Strategies
    Teaching Philosophy
    Unsolicited Thanks
    Varied Instruction
    Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity
    Collaborative Work
    Commissions and Exhibitions
    Grant Significance
    Presentation List
    Presentations and Exhibitions
    Publication Quality
    Publications and Citations
    Research Significance
    Research Statement Revision
    Research Statement
    Thank You Letter
    Professional Service Impact
    Professional Service Activities
    Service Statements
    Project-based Organization
    Tab D Table of Contents

        External Resources to Consider